Quick Start

1 Get jar file

Get jar file form github home page of MatrixAuth /server/target, file name is MatrixAuthServer-x.x.x.jar.

2 Start MatrixAuthServer

Start MatrixAuthServer with the following command.

java -jar MatrixAuthServer-x.x.x.jar dynamicDataSource.default.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/matrixauth?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&serverTimezone=GMT%2B8 dynamicDataSource.default.username=root dynamicDataSource.default.password=yeecode

The following required configuration items exist in the above command:

  • MatrixAuthServer-x.x.x.jar:Jar file name。
  • dynamicDataSource.default.url:Default data source address of MatrixAuthServer.
  • dynamicDataSource.default.username:Default data source user name of MatrixAuthServer.
  • dynamicDataSource.default.password:Default data source address password of MatrixAuthServer.

There are also configuration items that can be filled in according to the actual situation

  • matrixauth.server.adminToken:Set the system administrator token here, i.e. adminToken.
  • server.port:The port where matrixauth works. If not set, the default value 12301 is used
  • dynamicDataSource.default.driverClassName:The driver type of the default data source of MatrixAuthServer. If it is not set, the default value com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver. When you see the startup interface shown in the figure below, it indicates that MatrixAuthServer is started successfully.

MatrixAuth-High performance lightweight distributed permission system.